Calendar of talks

Monday 28 September 2015

Biosciences Seminar Series 2015/16

The Swan-Talks resume

Biosciences Seminar Series - 2015/16

Venue: Zoology Museum

Time: 1pm

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It is this time of the year - our Bioscience Seminar Series will resume after the summer break! The Autumn Series List of Speakers is complete (programme) and the Winter and Spring ones are filling up with great names (see here and here). 

Prof Carl G Jones (Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, UK), a world expert in bringing back endangered species from the brink of extinction (e.g. only four kestrel were left on Mauritius Island some years ago), will be our first speaker, followed by our own Dr Cynthia Froyd (Swansea University, UK), presenting her research on long term ecology and quaternary environmental change. This will be followed by a visit from Dr Tetsu Kudoh (University of Exeter, UK), whose research focusses on the role of genetic mutations and environmental changes in the development of embryos and larvae. From a lab scientist we will get back to a field ecologist, Dr Hanna Nuuttila of the SEACAMS group (Swansea University, UK), an expert in bioacoustics and monitoring of marine mammals, concluded by a talk by a deep sea marine biologist, Dr Kerry Howell (Plymouth University, UK), right before the Christmas break.

So, after last year, where we had decided to counter-balance the still all-too-common male-only list of speakers with the world's first female-only list of speakers (see here), we are aiming for a balanced ratio from now onwards. Most importantly, however, come and listen to the talks! And watch our blog here for the abstracts and more information about the forthcoming seminars. 

Everyone is most welcome, students included. As last year the autumn seminars will be followed by our MRes students, who will produce a video abstract and a blog post about each (e.g. see here).

Looking forward to it!