Postgraduate Seminar Speakers 6th July 2017
1pm -
Zoology Museum, Wallace 129
R 1
Detecting forest insect and disease outbreaks within the
palaeoecological record
Threats to tree health from
insect pests and diseases are becoming an increasing environmental and economic
concern throughout temperate forest ecosystems globally. Recent outbreaks of
bark beetles, a damaging forest pest, throughout western North America and
Europe have been described as 'unprecedented' and attributed to the impacts of
global warming. But are present levels really unusual? Understanding the
long-term interactions between forest tree species, insects and disease and
changing climates requires a long-term ecological (palaeoecological)
perspective. However, to date, palaeoecological assessments of forest pathogens
have been largely based on inference - more scientifically robust measures are
required to definitively identify and quantify past outbreaks and to examine
associated environmental drivers and ecological consequences. The project will examine a novel combination of
multidisciplinary analysis techniques to calibrate evidence of the presence and
impacts of forest pests preserved in sedimentary archives (20 sites). Outbreak
indicators (fossil pollen fluctuations, stomata, plant and insect macrofossils
and, in a novel approach, analysis of preserved environmental DNA (eDNA) of
insect pests) will be directly compared with detailed annual biological
inventory data (USDA) of forest pathogens over 68 years (1947-2015) in the
Pacific Northwest, USA.
R 2
FosSahul database and Megafauna extinctions in
Marta RodrÃguez-Rey
The fossil record has grown substantially over the last
three decades, thus permitting more refined chronologies of major biological
events and tests of their underlying causes. These chronologies provide
palaeoecological insights into extinction and evolutionary processes that
enable better predictions and management of factors driving biodiversity loss.
However, more fossil data does not necessarily equate to higher information
quality given uncertainties in dating that can lead to incorrect timing of ecological
processes. FosSahul is the first quality-rated dataset of nonhuman vertebrate
fossils for Sahul (Australia and New Guinea) through the Quaternary to the
present (doi:10.1038/sdata.2016.53). Only
23% of the full set of fossil ages were rated as ‘reliable’, so available ages
must be carefully scrutinised before they can be used for building chronologies
or timing inferences. I will discuss multiple potential applications of this
dataset for better understanding the past, present and future of Australia’s
history of life.
R 3
Trade-offs between multiple ecosystem services
in UK and US salt marshes
Kate Davidson
Salt marshes - coastal grasslands regularly flooded by the
tides - supply many and varied ecosystem services. They provide coastal
protection, carbon storage, recreation, habitat for diverse wildlife, and
livestock pasturage. Through a combination of observational study, experimental
manipulation, and analysis of secondary data, I will examine how one of these
services – livestock grazing – can impair or enhance the other services
provided by salt marshes. In this presentation I will give an overview of my
PhD research in both the UK and the US, covering topics as diverse as soil
science, bee-hunting and fence-building!