Biosciences Science Club Series - Spring 2018
26 April 2018 - 1pm - Wallace 113
How to Peer Review - a workshop with the British Ecological Society Journal Editors
Dr James Ross - Assistant Editor, Journal of Ecology
Dr Christopher Grieves, Assistant Editor, Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Prof Luca Börger - Associate Editor, Journal of Animal Ecology & Methods in Ecology &Evolution
Dr Emily Shepard - Associate Editor, Methods in Ecology & Evolution
Dr Stephanie R Januchowski-Hartley - Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Ecology
Dr Christopher Grieves, Assistant Editor, Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Prof Luca Börger - Associate Editor, Journal of Animal Ecology & Methods in Ecology &Evolution
Dr Emily Shepard - Associate Editor, Methods in Ecology & Evolution
Dr Stephanie R Januchowski-Hartley - Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Ecology
Workshop programme:
- Introduction to the BES - what we can offer members and why you might want to join (30 mins)
- How to be a reviewer - what is peer review, why it is important, the peer review process, how to become a reviewer, how to write a good review (45 mins)
- Practical activity on what makes a good review. Introduction and background about the Methods peer review mentoring scheme, which the activity will be based on. Participants will be given examples of reviews and will rate them using the Methods mentoring system. (45 mins with time for questions at the end).
A massive 'Thank You' again to the British Ecological Society for organising this.
For the list of activities see here