Science Club Events 2017/18
Venue: Zoology Museum
Time: Thursdays 1pm
Spring-Summer 2018
10 July (Note - a Tuesday!)
Prof Michail A. Pavlidis (University of Crete, Greece)
03 July
Dr Lise Chapman (Tango Seaweed, Leinøy, Norway)
Talk: Are seaweeds greener on the other side? The perspective of a coastal ecologist, now seaweed farmer, on seaweed aquaculture in Norway
Abstract: here
Abstract: here
26 April
1:00 - 1:30pm: Information Event - Meet the British Ecological Society
1:30 - 3:00pm: Science Workshops - How to Peer Review Workshop
1:30 - 3:00pm: Science Workshops - How to Peer Review Workshop
Dr James Ross - Assistant Editor Journal of Ecology
Dr Christopher Grieves, Assistant Editor, Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Dr Christopher Grieves, Assistant Editor, Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Prof Luca Börger - Associate Editor, Journal of Animal Ecology & Methods in Ecology & Evolution
Winter 2017
13 March
Dr Shay Rotics (University of Cambridge, UK)
Talk: Individual variation in fitness components in migratory white storks (Ciconia ciconia)
Abstract: here
Abstract: here
26 February
Prof Mark Boyce (University of Alberta, Canada)
Talk: Wolves for Yellowstone: dynamics in time and space
Abstract: here
Talk: Wolves for Yellowstone: dynamics in time and space
Abstract: here
past events
Autumn 2017
05 October
Scientific Presentation Workshop: Social media for scientists
Dr Luca Borger (Swansea University, UK)
26 October
Science Policy Workshop: An introduction to policy making for ecologists
Will Kay (Swansea University, UK)
02 November
Scientific Presentation Workshop: Science communication - How to make it engaging & accurate
Dr Caitlin Fikes (Editor, Biosphere Magazine)
07 December
Scientific Presentation Workshop: The peer review system
Prof Luca Borger - Associate Editor, Journal of Animal Ecology & Methods in Ecology & Evolution
Dr Andrew King - Associate Editor, Scientific Report
Science Club Events 2016/2017
Venue: Zoology Museum
Time: Thursdays 1pm
06 OctoberScientific Presentation Workshop - Social media for scientists
Dr Luca Borger (Swansea University, UK)
20 October
Scientific Presentation Workshop - Poster & oral presentations at conferences
Prof. Kam Tang (Swansea University, UK)
27 October
Scientific Presentation Workshop - Writing manuscripts for publication
Prof. Kam Tang (Swansea University, UK)
03 November -- Wallace 217 PC lab
Data Analysis Workshop - A crash intro to R
Dr Luca Borger - (Swansea University, UK)
10 November
Scientific Presentation Workshop - The peer review system
Dr Luca Borger - Associate Editor, Journal of Animal Ecology & Methods in Ecology & Evolution
Dr Andrew King - Associate Editor, Scientific Report
Dr Jim Bull - Associate Editor, Proceedings of the Royal Society B
16 March
1:00 - 1:30pm: Information Event - 'Meet the British Ecological Society'
1:30 - 3:00pm: Scientific Workshop - How to get published
Dr Christopher Grieves, Assistant Editor, Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Dr Jennifer Meyer, Assistant Editor, Functional Ecology
Dr Luca Börger - Associate Editor, Journal of Animal Ecology & Methods in Ecology & Evolution
21 March
Dr Marjolijn Christianen (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
Talk: Engineering an ecosystem engineer: Impacts of green turtle grazing on tropical seagrasses
Abstract: here
13 April
Dr Diogo Borges Provette (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil)
Talk: Biogeography and macroevolution of anuran amphibians in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Abstract: here
18 May - Wallace 218
Professor Victoria Braithwaite (Penn State University, USA)
Talk: In Search of Resilience: Lessons from Ecology for Applied Conservation
Abstract: here
1:00 - 1:30pm: Information Event - 'Meet the British Ecological Society'
1:30 - 3:00pm: Scientific Workshop - How to get published
Dr Christopher Grieves, Assistant Editor, Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Dr Jennifer Meyer, Assistant Editor, Functional Ecology
Dr Luca Börger - Associate Editor, Journal of Animal Ecology & Methods in Ecology & Evolution
21 March
Dr Marjolijn Christianen (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
Talk: Engineering an ecosystem engineer: Impacts of green turtle grazing on tropical seagrasses
Abstract: here
13 April
Dr Diogo Borges Provette (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil)
Talk: Biogeography and macroevolution of anuran amphibians in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Abstract: here
18 May - Wallace 218
Professor Victoria Braithwaite (Penn State University, USA)
Talk: In Search of Resilience: Lessons from Ecology for Applied Conservation
Abstract: here
16 June
Dr Simon Jude (Institute for Resilient Futures, Cranfield University, UK)
Talk: Marine renewables risk: so what?
Abstract: here
04 July
Prof Matty P. Berg (Vrije University Amsterdam, NL)
Talk: Testing niche construction theory: Landhoppers, trait variability, adaptation and salt marsh dynamics
30 August
Dr Vinicius Bastazini (Centre for Biodiversity Theory and Modelling, CNRS Moulis, FR)
Talk: Merging phylogenetic- and trait-based approaches into Network Ecology
Abstract: here
Dr Simon Jude (Institute for Resilient Futures, Cranfield University, UK)
Talk: Marine renewables risk: so what?
Abstract: here
04 July
Prof Matty P. Berg (Vrije University Amsterdam, NL)
Talk: Testing niche construction theory: Landhoppers, trait variability, adaptation and salt marsh dynamics
30 August
Dr Vinicius Bastazini (Centre for Biodiversity Theory and Modelling, CNRS Moulis, FR)
Talk: Merging phylogenetic- and trait-based approaches into Network Ecology
Abstract: here
Science Club Events 2015/2016
Venue: Zoology Museum
Time: Thursdays 1pm
06 October
Seminar - The Secret Life of Lobster Vets: unravelling host-pathogen-environment interactions in our favourite crustacean
Prof Spencer J. Greenwood (University of Prince Edward Island, Canada)
Room W222
08 October
Scientific Presentation Workshop - The peer review system
Dr Luca Borger - Editor, Journal of Animal Ecology; Methods in Ecology & Evolution
Dr Andrew King - Editor, Animal Behaviour
Prof Rory Wilson - Editor, MEPS, ESR, Polar Biology, ...
15 October
Scientific Presentation Workshop - Social media for scientists
Dr Luca Borger (Swansea University, UK)
29 October
Scientific Presentation Workshop - Poster & oral presentations at conferences
Prof. Kam Tang (Swansea University, UK)
05 November
Scientific Presentation Workshop - Writing manuscripts for publication
Prof. Kam Tang (Swansea University, UK)
06 November
Event - Meet the Royal Society of Biology
Alexandra Spencer AMRSB (Membership & Marketing Officer, Royal Society of Biology, UK)
Staff: 12:30 - 13:00
Students: 13:30 - 14:00
06 October
Seminar - The Secret Life of Lobster Vets: unravelling host-pathogen-environment interactions in our favourite crustacean
Prof Spencer J. Greenwood (University of Prince Edward Island, Canada)
Room W222
08 October
Scientific Presentation Workshop - The peer review system
Dr Luca Borger - Editor, Journal of Animal Ecology; Methods in Ecology & Evolution
Dr Andrew King - Editor, Animal Behaviour
Prof Rory Wilson - Editor, MEPS, ESR, Polar Biology, ...
15 October
Scientific Presentation Workshop - Social media for scientists
Dr Luca Borger (Swansea University, UK)
29 October
Scientific Presentation Workshop - Poster & oral presentations at conferences
Prof. Kam Tang (Swansea University, UK)
05 November
Scientific Presentation Workshop - Writing manuscripts for publication
Prof. Kam Tang (Swansea University, UK)
06 November
Event - Meet the Royal Society of Biology
Alexandra Spencer AMRSB (Membership & Marketing Officer, Royal Society of Biology, UK)
Staff: 12:30 - 13:00
Students: 13:30 - 14:00
Science Club Events 2014/2015
Venue: Zoology Museum
Time: Thursdays 1pm
Venue: Zoology Museum
Time: Thursdays 1pm
(unless noted otherwise)
21 October
Dr. Shane Windsor (University of Bristol, UK)
Talk: "Biological fluid dynamics, sensing and control: Swimming fish, flying birds and insects"
30 October
Dr Luca Borger (Swansea University, UK)
Scientific Presentation Workshop - Social media for scientists
13 November
Prof. Kam Tang (Swansea University, UK)
Scientific Presentation Workshop - poster/oral presentations at conferences
11 December
Prof. Kam Tang (Swansea University, UK)
Scientific Presentation Workshop - writing manuscripts for publication
10 February
Talk: "Practical Animal Welfare for Dummies"
19 February
Prof Walker O. Smith, Jr. (Virginia Institute of Marine Science, USA)
Title: "Biological oceanographic processes in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Paradigms lost?"
24 March (3pm - note change of time!)Dr. David Dolezel (Institute of Entomology, Czech Republic)
Title: "Circadian Genes, Juvenile Hormone & Insect Diapause"
past events
21 October
Dr. Shane Windsor (University of Bristol, UK)
Talk: "Biological fluid dynamics, sensing and control: Swimming fish, flying birds and insects"
30 October
Dr Luca Borger (Swansea University, UK)
Scientific Presentation Workshop - Social media for scientists
Prof. Kam Tang (Swansea University, UK)
Scientific Presentation Workshop - poster/oral presentations at conferences
11 December
Prof. Kam Tang (Swansea University, UK)
Scientific Presentation Workshop - writing manuscripts for publication
10 February
Talk: "Practical Animal Welfare for Dummies"
19 February
Prof Walker O. Smith, Jr. (Virginia Institute of Marine Science, USA)
Prof Walker O. Smith, Jr. (Virginia Institute of Marine Science, USA)
Title: "Biological oceanographic processes in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Paradigms lost?"
24 March (3pm - note change of time!)Dr. David Dolezel (Institute of Entomology, Czech Republic)
Title: "Circadian Genes, Juvenile Hormone & Insect Diapause"
past events
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Science Club Events 2013/2014
Matthew Hansen (University of Sydney, Australia)
Talk: "Social Foraging and Movement in Fish Shoals"
21 November
Dr. Luca Börger (University of Swansea, UK)
Journal Club Discussion: "The Assessment of Science: The Relative Merits of Post-Publication Review, the Impact Factor, and the Number of Citations" (2013, PLoS Biol 11(10): e1001675) (click link for the paper)
13 December
Tina Cornioley (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Talk: "Linking behavioural, physiological and demographic responses to climate change"
07 February
Dr. Sonia Consuegra (University of Swansea, UK)
Discussion: "Evolutionary Ecology or Ecology and Evolution? Are new concepts driving the integration of Ecology and Evolution and what are the possibilities for developing EcoEvo collaborations at Biosciences?"
17 February
Dr. Andrew Hirst (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
Seminar: "Frills and Spills: the interplay of body size and shape with oxygen in aquatic organisms"
20 February
Dr. Simon Garnier (New Jersey Institute of Technology & Rutgers University, USA)
Seminar: "All roads lead to the mound"
24 February- 3pm W138 (Note change of room and time!)
Dr. John Coates (University of Cambridge, UK)
Seminar: "The biology of risk taking"
25 February - 12:30pm (Note change of time!)
Prof. Martin Wikelski (Max-Planck Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen, D)
Seminar: "Moving, moving, moving"
03 April
Prof. Paloma Moran (University of Vigo, Spain)
Seminar: "Strategies for the Control of the invasive American mink (Neovison vison) in a Natural Park"
12 June
(postponed to later date!)
TBA (later this summer)
Dr. Adam Powell (Swansea University, UK)
"ASPA for Dummies - A simple-ish guide to the Animal (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986"