Wallace Coffee Talks - Autumn 2018
29 November - 1pm - Zoology Museum
Sergio Trevi (Swansea University, UK)
Trust your gut (flora): designing a study on the relations between gut-flora and lipid uptake in fish
With the expansion of the aquaculture sector in the last two decade new constraints arises. Raw materials like fish meal and oil from fisheries have become more expensive and unsustainable. Therefore, it is imperative to either replace those raw materials with others and/or increase the feeding efficiency. While many alternative ingredients have been extensively evaluated, the possibility of acting on the gut microbiota to enhance nutrients absorption remains mostly uncharted. The aim of my research is to manipulate the gut microbiota of fish to improve the assimilation of the nutrients present in feed, with particular attention to fatty acids.
Matt Watkins (Swansea University, UK)
An Introduction to Radiocarbon Dating: Principles, Methods, and Applications within Quaternary Science.
Following a recent visit to iThemba LABS, Africa's first and only AMS dating facility, Matt will outline the principles that facilitate radiocarbon dating, discuss the AMS methodology, and explain why this widely applicable technique is invaluable to Quaternary scientists.