Postgraduate Seminar Speakers 14th July 2016
1pm - Zoology Museum (Wallace 129)
1pm - Zoology Museum (Wallace 129)
S P E A K E R 1
and parasites in the mangrove: who is winning the arms race?
Waldir Filho
Pathogens are powerful selective agents
implicated in maintaining genetic variation in host resistance. According
to the Red Queen hypothesis, this is because parasites exert
frequency-dependent selection against common genotypes, favouring sexual reproduction
and genetic variability. However, asexual or self-fertilising populations that
persist despite low genetic diversity challenge the traditional idea that low
variation should result in reduced ability to respond to pathogens and threat
the long-term viability of populations. In order to test the relationship
between outcrossing, inbreeding and fitness in mixed mating species, we have
analysed the parasite loads and genetic diversity of K. hermaphroditus
populations from three different mangroves in North East Brazil, and will be
discussing the implications of few parasites and genetic diversity for the long
term persistence of populations.
S P E A K E R 2
conservation in alpine aquatic ecosystems in Gran Paradiso National Park
(Western Italian Alps)
Matteo Rolla
elevation water ecosystems are sensitive to several local and global
anthropogenic impacts such as climate change and long transport of atmospheric
pollutants. Water exploitation, alien species introduction and local sources of
pollutants also have strong impacts on the biodiversity of these sites. The
Life+ BIOAQUAE project is focused on the conservation and restoration of alpine
aquatic ecosystems in Gran Paradiso National Park. It consists of three main
actions: 1) eradication of non-native brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) from four high altitude alpine lakes, 2)
interventions to improve the quality of high altitude aquatic environments and
3) conservation actions to protect the marble trout (Salmo marmoratus). Special emphasis will be given to the
eradication activities that propose a novel, low impact technique (the
exclusive use of nets and